Nobody comes to the park on days like this, except witches and bad boys...

.  .  .

2:12pm -OMG the past week has been an absolute blur. Things are really starting to bang here at Planet Jenna HQ and it's a total crazy insane amazing whirlwind!!

Let's see, I got my lips done last Wednesday, which — if you haven't seen the video... Just go watch the video. XD Then, Thursday night, I CRASHED. That didn't have anything to do with my lips, it was just the next thought I had... But I've been going so nonstop lately that it took me DOWN on Thursday night. I fell asleep at like NINE PM!!

I'm able to go pretty hard and fast and maintain that for a long time... But then every few months it will finally catch up to me and I'll just pass out for 17 hours. But it felt SOOOOO good to SLEEP!!

Then, Friday I had photoshoots for a bunch of new merch that I dropped earlier this week in conjunction with Cult Star's KRAMPUS SALE!! Soooooo excited about this, that I was actually able to pull it off.

I always thought to myself, before I launched Planet Jenna and Cult Star, I thought I don't want to launch anywhere NEAR the holidays because I knew it might be difficult to keep up, and what did I do? XD I launched Cult Star in the middle October so I'm still ramping things up, but I knew I wanted to jump into the ring with a holidays sale so I'm really stoked that I was actually able to do one!

And I'm already planning for next year's!! Because one thing I KNOW I want, well two actually, DEFINITELY Planet Jenna calendars and then I also LOVE holiday gift sets. I think those are SO fun and cool, so I'm already working on sets I wanna drop next year!

I've gotten a bunch of orders from my Etsy shoppe, so today I'm packaging orders and also making little jewelry cards for Cherry Motel, and I made an eBay shoppe last night so I'm super stoked to start stocking it!!

Sooooo much rad stuff going on and I know this is just the beginning!! 2024 is gonna be off the f'n RAILS!!

I love you guys so much and I hope everyone is having an amazing week and gonna have an incredible weekend!!


Bitch take them and lie down!!!
2:43pm - Okay, so last night is the perfect example of how I start writing an entry and then wander away to do something else in the middle... Previously I was just deleting and not posting them, but fuck it... I'm just gonna start publishing them even if they're not finished.

So I've been having trouble sleeping lately because there is SO much cool stuff going down, I'm like too excited to sleep or something. I just wanna bounce right back up and keep playing. So I bought these Olly Sleep juju beams, they're all natural and have melatonin and passionflower and lemon balm. But then I noticed last night that, after I take them, I KEEP WORKING. -_-

I'm over here like "Why don't I feel sleepy??" BITCH TAKE THEM AND LIE DOWN. I literally had three of them last night with some Sleep Tea and then came back out here and set up my TikTok shoppe.

But I was SUPER not expecting that to go down already so I wanted to jump on it and get it all set up!! Because that's been on my List of Goals that I have, and they just needed to see my corporate paperwork and get Planet Jenna's EIN and stuff like that, so I wanted to submit all of that stuff straight away to get going!!

So I'm SUPER stoked about that and I also just got FB monetized!! So LOTS of rad stuff happening over here and I'm SO excited!! Also, I got a little behind on updating the site and Featured Photos, so I'm gonna do that today and also gonna take some merch photos for Cult Star because I have a MASSIVE drop about to go down, and then I wanna shoot a little promo video for it!

I love you guys SO MUCH!!! And hope everyone is having an incredible Monday so far!!


Bring lots of finger quotes
12:53am - Okay, so the finger quotes can really go anywhere in this sentence... My job has the stupidest problems.

*insert roll of the eyes here*

I'm having one of those, like, absurdist of reality moments, as I'm sitting here at 1am on a Monday morning, feeling the angst overtake me as I realize I don't have access to TikTok's full musical library because I have a Creator account and they don't have commercial licensing for business posts, while the rest of the world is slumbering fitfully in preparation for the mind numbing drudgery of the 9-5 that's going to gnaw the asshole out of their soul like a flesh eating virus.

Are you IN genius?
  MOOD:   Productive
2:36pm - I'm noticing that I start writing entries in here a lot and then just wander off in the middle and never finish them.

*Looks around at all the chaos in here*

I feel like this could possibly be a recurrent theme of chaotic thinking which, admittedly, I've recognized within myself for ... Ever? Although I think it's also a characteristic of artists and I've also read that highly intelligent people also tend to be messy.

Pleased to meet you, allow me to present my card.

Speaking of chaotic thinking, I've been busy the past couple of days building an inventory database of Cult Star's current product catalog. SKU numbers, brands, how much they cost to make, how much they sell for, profit margins... You know, stuff I probably should have known BEFORE I launched my shoppe.

But it's rad because this is obviously INCREDIBLE information to have and I love doing shit like this: like analytical business-oriented structure. When I was in 10th grade, there was a project board in one of my classes, something that another group of kids from a different class or different period or different year had made... And it said like "Build your Future Entrepreneurship" and I would just stare at that poster thinking "Man, they're really onto something there!!"

Okay see? This is what happens: I just got up and started making a necklace. Okay, I'm going to end this entry here then. XD And I'll be back later!!

Lots of fun stuff going down at Planet Jenna HQ right now, I've got a HUGE new merch drop happening HOPEFULLY this week, a Jennafied version of Black Friday, and lots of new videos I wanna make with this amazing new phone!!

I love you guys so much and hope you're having a totally rad week!!


12:36pm - Just got the Rockville lineup for this year. I saw Motley Crue and Insane Clown Posse and instantly said "I'm out..." XD But then I saw Mr. Bungle and oh shit Bitch... I'm thinking this may be ON. MR. FUCKING BUNGLE. One of my FAV bands EVERRRRRR... Actually anything Mike Patton does is like my favorite thing ever. And MC and ICP are playing on Thursday and Mr. Bungle is Friday so I may just go for Friday's show!! It's going down in May so I've got some time (illusory?) to decide!

So tomorrow afternoon is my first ever Amazon Influencer web meeting and I am SO EXCITED. I can't wait to see what it's like and learn a bunch of rad new stuff to implement on my page!! Speaking of, I realized the other night that I need to up my photography game if I'm gonna be repping AMAZON. MR. FUCKING AMAZON. Come on now... I'm sure if you look deeply enough into the corporate structure, Mike Patton is involved somehow...

So I watched a video on Youtube about using a negative fill with your lighting setup and BITCH WTF. I've never even heard of this, but it's like putting two black structures on either side of the shot, just off-camera. Like black reflectors, black backdrop paper, or they actually make negative fill boards, which are like big black cardboard walls that you can set up. And HOLY SHITBALLS. I used them with an overhead strobe and I can't believe the difference this makes in the depth and dimension of the photos!!


Life is the weirdest game EVER
  MOOD:   Productive in a non-linear kinda way
  MUSIC:   The Vortex
1:31pm - HAPPY MONDAAYYYY!!! I love you guys so much!! I know a lot of people don't like Mondays - I'm looking at you, Garfield - but I've always been super into them because it feels like a blank canvas! A fresh new week to write any stories and paint any adventures that you choose!!

I'm STILL cleaning up in the shoppe... *I would put melty face but it actually feels incredible because it's all organized and CLEAN!!* I haven't been cleaning non-stop since Friday, I'm just doing little sections at a time and it's looking so amazing in here! It's crazy, one photoshoot and the whole place is thrust into chaos again. So I'm trying to get better about cleaning up immediately after...

Let's see, what's going on this week? I keep getting jammed up between the concepts of the future versus the present moment, as in: it is ALWAYS the present moment so saying things like "later this week" are counterproductive because later this week never comes. Okay, I can get on board with that BUT... It's there to throw a paradoxical monkey wrench in my to-do list because I have no idea how to express the things that I'm NOT planning to do RIGHT NOW.

How do I write Friday's to-do list knowing time is an illusion??!

Maybe I should just write all of the tasks I wanna accomplish but don't actually put days next to them.

GOD. Life is the weirdest fucking game EVER. Isn't it rad??!

Okay, I'm gonna go construct a non-linear to-do list and clean another quadrant of the shoppe!! Then finish editing my Amazon video, post my new piccies, and OMG I am SO excited to post new merch to Cult Star!! I've been eyeing this stuff for like a week!!

I love you guys!!


  MOOD:   COLD!!!
  MUSIC:   Editing my new video!!
7:32pm - OMG Bitch it is so cold tonight. OMG Bitch WHY. Keeping in mind this is FLORIDA cold, so it's like 66 degrees but I'm FREEZING. So I spent my extra hour of today transferring all of the videos off my phone. There were over 400!! FOUR HUNDRED!! So - good news - LOTS of new content coming your way!!

Speaking of videos, now I'm editing the one I just shot earlier today, it's like a preview/intro to my Amazon Influencer page! It's like a companion to the photos I shot yesterday!


Amazon Influencer!!
  MOOD:   Amazon Influencer!!
  MUSIC:   Songs about Amazon and Influencing People
1:41pm - Doing my first Amazon Influencer shoot today and I am SO EXCITED!! Holy cow, this has been one of my dream goals and it's so amazing that I got accepted. I feel so honored and blessed!! It's AMAZON!! INFLUENCER!! I shall take my job of influencing you to buy on Amazon seriously!!

So my shoot I'm doing is Holidays 2023 Preview, sultry glamour, this is gonna be super fun!

Also cleaning up the shoppe because JFC the crawling chaos is snneeaakkkyyy... I'll be sitting here like "The shoppe is TOTALLY organized, what are you talking about??" But I literally spent all night cleaning and putting stuff away last night and I'm only halfway finished!! So I'm gonna do some more organizing and I got my table all cleared off for where I do my jewelry, which is totally rad because I have so many cool designs to photo and post on Cult Star!!

Thinking I may do a quick bike ride before I get into any of that though because the weather and the vibe and the energy today is OMMMMGGGGGGG!!


Journey to the Center of the Earth
  MOOD:   Grandfather Clock
  MUSIC:   Totally not Elon's interview if that's what you're thinking...
6:18pm - So apparently the people in my neighborhood feel that 11am is an acceptable time to start their journey to the center of the Earth. I was awoken by a pneumatic ratcheting sound that I can only assume was the final layer of solid rock being ripped from its primordial slumber to expose the bubbling magma below... Who the hell starts major construction at ELEVEN AM? I mean, there's still an A after the number!! We're not ALL on military time over here...

Welcome to November, Bitch. You've got too much going on to be sleeping late anyway. November 1st always has a weird vibe to me. Even if I haven't really done much to celebrate Halloween, like going out partying or handing out candy, even if it's just kind of a chill night, the next day always has this "All that remained was a broken jack-o-lantern and Ichabod was never seen again..." kinda vibe.

Next up: Thanksgiving. Or, more specifically for me this year: Black Friday. This will be my first Black Friday with Cult Star up and running and, Bitch, I gotta bring that shit. I gotta come correct to this party, and there is A LOT to coordinate over the next 23 days. I sketched out a little to-do list last night and I've decided I just can't focus too intensely on the fact that there are more than 23 things on this list, and some of them will take MULTIPLE days to pull off.

I mean, how CAN I think about that when Joe Rogan Experience just posted a two hour and 41 minutes long interview with Elon Musk?

Priorities, Jenns.


I was on my bike ride earlier and I do this thing... It's so weird, it's like... I always want to kinda reflect while I'm out there, on every amazing thing that's gone down since the LAST time I was out there... I know that sounds bizarre, but like - for example - I didn't have Cult Star launched the last time I went biking. I wasn't an Amazon Influencer. I hadn't been approved for a shoppe on Instagram...

So I like to sort of... bask in all of that while I'm out there riding, free and alive, feeling the energy of the sun, the gratitude for everything that I have, and the potential of everything on the horizon...

But, today, I spent the whole ride trying to figure out how to build a Grandfather Clock that will break apart like real wood when I get hurled into it.

* My next video may or may not involve a fight scene. *

Speaking of, my What's My Age Again Halloween video was a HUGE success!! I'm so excited that everyone loves it as much as I do!! I'm super stoked by how it turned out and it was so fun to film... I can't wait to shoot my next video, actually I have like five of them that I wanna do!! The one that I'm doing first is gonna have the choreography and fighting so I'm SUPER pumped to do this one!! I have six pages of moves, angles, and cuts all blocked out and we're gonna start practicing the choreography this weekend!!

Sooooooo... Tonight, I'm going to maybe MAYBE listen to part of Elon's interview * I won't listen to the whole thing at once!! * And then I'm gonna start making a plan for this Black Friday noise, and did I mention there are 2024 Jenna Calendars involved?

Okay, I've given enough spoilers in this entry!! I love you guys so much and I'll be back soooooon!!


Brownies For Dinner
  MOOD:   Creative
  MUSIC:   What's My Age Again - Blink 182
1:01pm - Filmed my Halloween video yesterday!! Someone walked by in the middle and said "This is everything that's wrong with America..." So that tells me it must be f'n AWESOME!!! XD I don't know if he was joking or not, we were filming outside of a pub so he may have been drunk/joking. The cameras were rolling, so I didn't say anything back.

Then I came back home and just wanted to chill so I made a plate of brownies and had brownies and tortilla chips for dinner instead of doing a meal. HAHA!! That was my Full Moon Saturday night Halloween party...

So today, I'm editing the video and MAY need to film a couple of pickup shots. I'm not sure yet, I wanna put the whole thing together and see how it flows!!

XXX I love you guys!!

  MOOD:   Nonstop
  MUSIC:   Trap Queen - Fetty Wap
1:13pm - Ahhhhhhh life, huh? What a blur of incredible insane absurdity...

*Studies my little blue verification badge from Facebook*

I feel on the precipice of something. I feel poised for ...SOMETHING.

What, I have no idea.

Cult Star is LIVE - up and running and, Bitch, I had no IDEA how many moving parts would be inside... Hurts so good!! I live for this shit, though, seriously. I love it, you know ya girl is handling her business!! Right now, I'm adding the product bundles which is a bit more complex than the individual products, like coding bikini top for $21.95, but then when you add it to your cart with the bottoms included, the whole set is only $37.50. It's little things like that, I think most people don't notice unless they're not there.

So it's a lot of detail work!! I'm super excited because this is the Kiss X Kill drop that I'm working on right now, and then moving into getting all of the jewelry posted which I'm SUPER stoked about!! Etsy shoppe is getting dialed in, and then I figured out why my catalog is showing "Sold Out" in my Insta shoppe, because the Facebook inventory catalog is different from the catalog on my website, even though it imported the products directly. FB has its own inventory management system, so I got into the database last night and found out where to change the stock numbers!

Filming a new epi of Jenna Loves Cars this afternoon and then I still need to get a couple of things for my Halloween shoots!!

Content, I'm realizing, is def NOT the problem!! I've got MONTHS worth of content already filmed, it's just finding the TIME to go through, organize, and post it all!

"You know, Jenns... Time Management is very important..."

*Thinks on this*

Time is an illusion. Maybe that's why I'm so bad at managing it.

XXX I love you guys!!

  MUSIC:   Anywhere You Go - DJ Mayson
1:30pm - My first inclination was to start this entry off with "Dude OMFG..." But that's exactly how I started the last entry. Look, I'm just excited, okay? There's a lot of rad shit going on. There's a lot of 1990s surfer in me. Oh MAN. Set myself up GOOD for THAT one...

So. Dude OMFG... I've been hard at work in the Cult Shoppe these past few days, designing soooooo much rad merch for Cult Star!! Including... RUGS!! YAS. The more videos I watch on this subject, the more I just KNOW that I simply NEED to create sexy and fun and perhaps slightly inappropriate rugs for you guys to enjoy with your friends and then hide when your family comes over.

Today, I'm pouring resin for the coasters that I've made (these, you're going to lose your minds over!!) I know you wanna set your frosty cold beverages down on my boobies. Come on. Don't lie. Ya girl J got you...

And I printed out pix last night for a bunch of rad jewelry, so I'm gonna be pouring those, also!!

Then I'm finalizing the initial catalog for Cult Star's launch, the Cult Star IPO Catalog!! So I can start taking photos of everything tomorrow after I get back from the gym! I'm gonna stop into the thrift store on my way home also, because there's something I wanna get for the promo commercial but it's kinda bizarre... (You're safer not knowing.) And I'm thinking the thrift store is a good place to look because maybe somebody has donated one, like "Please GOD take this, I need it out of my life!! The havoc!! The HAVOOOOCCCCCC..."

So that's today into tomorrow and then, right now, I'm uploading all of the files for the mailing list softwares!! So I can get that all up and running!! I had this set up like last year when I had my initial Coming Soon splash on the home page, but then I wiped the server before uploading the actual site just to have a fresh install and make sure I had plenty of room. I still have the database in-tact, though, so if you signed up initially, you're all set and don't have to sign up again.

Dude, okay OMGGGGG I'm just SO happy!! And so excited about everything!! I feel so blessed that I get to come out here everyday and play with Planet Jenna and Cult Star and come up with crazy ideas and then create and share them with you guys and just... I feel so fulfilled and so grateful and I know this is just the beginning, which is even more badass!!

I love you guys so much and I hope you're having an incredible week!!


Frankenstein's Ghost of the Horror of the Blood of Dracula
  MUSIC:   Kermode - Tigerblood Jewel
1:50pm - Dude OMFG... Okay, so due to a MASSIVE oversight on my part, I let my Affiliates URL expire.

*melty face*

It's been in the "Pending Delete" que for like a week and wouldn't let me re-register it, so I have been watching that shit like a HAWK, waiting for it to release and become available again so no one would snatch it up before I could get my hot little paws on it again.

I've literally been refreshing the page like every hour since last Saturday... But this morning, it just FELT different. I just KNEW...

The ghost of Peter Cushing was standing in the corner and he said "It is time..."

And I said, "Doctor Frankenstein? What are YOU doing here??"

And he said, "I also left a recipe for vegetarian crepes on the kitchen counter." And then he disappeared.

Sooooooo crisis averted and JENNA.CASH is now back with its rightful owner. JFC WTF... I gotta be more careful with stuff like that!! I mean, come on, how f'n BADASS does "Jenna Cash" sound??! So excited to have it back and I am setting that shit to autorenew right now!!

So I went on my mad cleaning rampage last night and the shoppe feels sooooooo much more incredible this morning OMG... I actually have surfaces and places to spread out and work again!! Narlahotep oozes in swiftly and silently around here, I'll think I've got a pretty good handle on the mayhem and the next thing I know, I can't even walk around without crashing into things and there are NO clear tables, desks, or counters in sight.

I was watching a video last night on how to seal photos to use in resin, and they also showed these badass things you can do with alcohol inks so I bought some from Amazon to play around with and they just got here!! So I'm SUPER excited about that!! And also I was watching some videos on rug tufting, which is like the coolest fucking thing EVER. I'd never even considered how rugs are made or thought about doing it myself but I'm seeing sooooooo many possibilities for awesome, fun, sexy throw rugs!! So I'm thinking about getting all of the stuff to start making them!!

Okay, let's go see what sort of trouble I can get into today!! I love you guys!!


$40 for a fucking??! Just suck it then!!!
  MOOD:   Busy!!
  MUSIC:   Nothing right now, just vibing!!
5:45pm - Okay, so there is drama with that payment processor I mentioned in my last entry.

*Cries, Girlfriend.*
*Bitter tears, Girl...*

I removed their name from my previous post and I'm not going to mention them here now because I don't want to start a bunch of shit, but if you saw it initially, you know who I'm talking about. And, side note completely unrelated, but isn't Fruit STRIPE gum so weird? Like, loses flavor INSANTLY...

So, anyway, after they told me up-front that my content on Planet Jenna would be totally fine, I got an email from them a few days ago saying my account was in violation of their restricted businesses policy because Planet Jenna is considered "adult".

Okay fine, whatever... If they had told me this UP FRONT, when I initially asked, I wouldn't have been upset. But it's frustrating - and actually feels a bit like entrapment - that they led me into their sticky little web like "Oh SURE!! Everything's fine!! Welcome, welcome!! Come on in, no spiders down here..." And I honestly still can't even tell if I'm talking to a real person or an AI-generated messaging system because they're not fully answering my questions.

So I'm talking to a new payment processor right now, because I'm not even going to use them for Cult Star anymore. I don't respect their business practices and, come on, ya girl making waves already... You know they're gonna be looking for ANY reason to pull the plug on my shit, moving forward. So I'd rather just not even go DOWN that route, to avoid this impacting you guys in any way once I get everything up and running. I'm just stoked this happened NOW, before I actually have anything launched.

Let's see, what else? I'm getting the webcams page all set up and I built a little set last night, like TOTAL early 2000s cam girl vibes, I love it so hard!! I filmed a quick behind the scenes of me building it and setting it all up, which I'll be posting soon, too!!

Texting with Kevin from the new CC processors, which is SUPER rad because I know I'm talking to an actual person and I love the individual attention they show to their clients, I think that's so badass... So we're getting everything set up PROPER for the PJ Members section!!

I went mountain biking earlier and also went to pick up some scrap metal from one of my guys, he runs a little complex in Northdale and always calls me when he has appliances or other metal for meeeeee!! And I had a bunch of awesome stuff from Amazon waiting when I got home; I bought these huge jugs of epoxy resin and a ton of fun and sexy molds, I have so many killer ideas for Cult Star!!

So I'm gonna be playing around with those tonight but first OMG I've gotta clean up a bit in the shoppe, the chaos comes and it comes HARD around here!! The place is destroyed from all the mischief that's been going down lately...

So much exciting stuff going on and also I ran around and caused trouble at Spirit Halloween yesterday!! I hope you guys are having a fun weekend, too!!


  MUSIC:   Used To - Nbhd Nick
12:42am - I just got an email back from the payment processor I chose for Cult Star, and they said it's totally rad to offer Memberships to Planet Jenna with my account, too!! I had messaged them to find out if it's okay to use them for this part, too, because I told them how I want to have artistic & tasteful nude piccies in my Members section and I wanted to check with them first because I didn't want to get into trouble. I know nudity and "adult" stuff is kinda taboo sometimes, but I told them there is nothing explicit and no porn, and they were totally cool with it!!

So I'm SUPER stoked and Baby, IT IS ON!!! I started getting everything all set up tonight, so Planet Jenna Memberships will be hitting the streets SOOOOON!!!

I signed up for a new gym on Monday afternoon: Powerhouse Gym and I am soooooooo excited!! It's got that old-school Muscle Beach gym vibe, like you chug a quart of motor oil and then throw a monster truck tire over your shoulder. I f'n LOVE it!!! I worked out there for the first time on Tuesday and I am SORE AF!!! Hurts so good!! I'm gonna go back tomorrow and train with the heavybag they have, and they also have a tanning salon next door that's free to use with my membership.

So much exciting stuff going on, I literally have a hard time sleeping now, I just wanna pop back up and keep going!!

Tomorrow, after the gym, I'm gonna spend the rest of the day getting a bunch of content uploaded to the site, and also getting Cult Star all set up, PJ Memberships Section!!! And then the promo commercial!!

I hope you guys are having an amazing week, it's almost the WEEKEND!!!


  MOOD:   Bouncy!!
  MUSIC:   Listening to a storm rolling in!!
11:33am - Getting ready to do a shoot for Playboy and then I've got two other shoots I wanna do later, after it gets dark!! Going for like a stakeout vibe with the Jeep for one of them and then a tropical nights style for the other!

Yesterday, I ran some errands and got to see my friend, Brodie and also met the Man, the Myth, the Legend: Joseph Nolin, the Rainbow King for the first time. They're both so awesome!! Then I came home and splurged on a bunch of new makeup online and signed up for this badass new workout program, Naughty Girl Fitness, which I can't wait to do my first workout later!! It's like, workout moves combined with sexy dance, which I LOVE!!

Okay, short update today but I wanted to say HI!! And also I'm thinking I'll take some behind the scenes shots today to start my Scrapbook for you guys!!

I LOOOOOOVE YOUUUU!! I hope everyone has an incredible Sunday!! Do something fun for yourself today!! Treat yourself to a coffee, go to the park, pop that ass to Naughty Girl!! I know those workouts aren't just for girls, they've got guys in the videos, too!!

Talk to ya later!!


  MUSIC:   Meet the Creeper - Rob Zombie
2:07pm - Holy cow!! This week has been a whirlwind since I launched my site and I don't think anyone even knows about it yet!! I haven't announced it publicly because there are still a few sections to build out and I want to have a little more content in place before I drop the news.

Right now, I'm working on... I try not to use that term "working" because I feel like it has a bit of a negative connotation, like "Uggghhh I have to go to WORK..." But then, so does "Bitch" and ya girl sprinkle THAT one all over the place, amongst the likes of her sisters "Sweetie" and "Honey Baby". And, come on, RuPaul knows what's up: You betta WUUHHHRRKKK!!! Besides, work and play are synonymous on Planet Jenna!!

So, right now, I'm WORKING on a promo commercial to officially announce the launch. I don't wanna give away TOO much about it because I want it to be a surprise but hmmmmm... What sort of hint can I give? Lemme think on that one!! In the meantime, I can say that it's gonna be bad-fucking-ASS and I hope you like what you see!!

What else? Shooting tons of content for Playboy, editing the newest Chapters of my Neighborhood Library Build, and getting everything ready to launch Cult Star.

And Michaels has all of their Halloween stuff out, so you KNOW Little Miss gonna be hitting that HARD tomorrow!!

Work and play, work and play, does my life ever change? I fucking LOOOOOVVVEEE it!!!


UPDATED ON: August 13, 2023


Jenna & Chai at the Petting Zoo!! - 26 pix!


Crimes of Passion BTS - 37 pix!

Sister. Saltarian. ..Dickhead...

UPDATED ON: August 13, 2023


Jenna & Chai at the Petting Zoo!! - 26 pix!

2:12pm -OMG the past week has been an absolute blur. Things are really starting to bang here at Planet Jenna HQ and it's a total crazy insane amazing whirlwind!!

Let's see, I got my lips done last Wednesday, which — if you haven't seen the video... Just go watch the video. XD Then, Thursday night, I CRASHED. That didn't have anything to do with my lips, it was just the next thought I had... But I've been going so nonstop lately that it took me DOWN on Thursday night. I fell asleep at like NINE PM!!

I'm able to go pretty hard and fast and maintain that for a long time... But then every few months it will finally catch up to me and I'll just pass out for 17 hours. But it felt SOOOOO good to SLEEP!!

Then, Friday I had photoshoots for a bunch of new merch that I dropped earlier this week in conjunction with Cult Star's KRAMPUS SALE!! Soooooo excited about this, that I was actually able to pull it off.

I always thought to myself, before I launched Planet Jenna and Cult Star, I thought I don't want to launch anywhere NEAR the holidays because I knew it might be difficult to keep up, and what did I do? XD I launched Cult Star in the middle October so I'm still ramping things up, but I knew I wanted to jump into the ring with a holidays sale so I'm really stoked that I was actually able to do one!

And I'm already planning for next year's!! Because one thing I KNOW I want, well two actually, DEFINITELY Planet Jenna calendars and then I also LOVE holiday gift sets. I think those are SO fun and cool, so I'm already working on sets I wanna drop next year!

I've gotten a bunch of orders from my Etsy shoppe, so today I'm packaging orders and also making little jewelry cards for Cherry Motel, and I made an eBay shoppe last night so I'm super stoked to start stocking it!!

Sooooo much rad stuff going on and I know this is just the beginning!! 2024 is gonna be off the f'n RAILS!!

I love you guys so much and I hope everyone is having an amazing week and gonna have an incredible weekend!!


Bitch take them and lie down!!!
2:43pm - Okay, so last night is the perfect example of how I start writing an entry and then wander away to do something else in the middle... Previously I was just deleting and not posting them, but fuck it... I'm just gonna start publishing them even if they're not finished.

So I've been having trouble sleeping lately because there is SO much cool stuff going down, I'm like too excited to sleep or something. I just wanna bounce right back up and keep playing. So I bought these Olly Sleep juju beams, they're all natural and have melatonin and passionflower and lemon balm. But then I noticed last night that, after I take them, I KEEP WORKING. -_-

I'm over here like "Why don't I feel sleepy??" BITCH TAKE THEM AND LIE DOWN. I literally had three of them last night with some Sleep Tea and then came back out here and set up my TikTok shoppe.

But I was SUPER not expecting that to go down already so I wanted to jump on it and get it all set up!! Because that's been on my List of Goals that I have, and they just needed to see my corporate paperwork and get Planet Jenna's EIN and stuff like that, so I wanted to submit all of that stuff straight away to get going!!

So I'm SUPER stoked about that and I also just got FB monetized!! So LOTS of rad stuff happening over here and I'm SO excited!! Also, I got a little behind on updating the site and Featured Photos, so I'm gonna do that today and also gonna take some merch photos for Cult Star because I have a MASSIVE drop about to go down, and then I wanna shoot a little promo video for it!

I love you guys SO MUCH!!! And hope everyone is having an incredible Monday so far!!


Bring lots of finger quotes
12:53am - Okay, so the finger quotes can really go anywhere in this sentence... My job has the stupidest problems.

*insert roll of the eyes here*

I'm having one of those, like, absurdist of reality moments, as I'm sitting here at 1am on a Monday morning, feeling the angst overtake me as I realize I don't have access to TikTok's full musical library because I have a Creator account and they don't have commercial licensing for business posts, while the rest of the world is slumbering fitfully in preparation for the mind numbing drudgery of the 9-5 that's going to gnaw the asshole out of their soul like a flesh eating virus.

Are you IN genius?
  MOOD:   Productive
2:36pm - I'm noticing that I start writing entries in here a lot and then just wander off in the middle and never finish them.

*Looks around at all the chaos in here*

I feel like this could possibly be a recurrent theme of chaotic thinking which, admittedly, I've recognized within myself for ... Ever? Although I think it's also a characteristic of artists and I've also read that highly intelligent people also tend to be messy.

Pleased to meet you, allow me to present my card.

Speaking of chaotic thinking, I've been busy the past couple of days building an inventory database of Cult Star's current product catalog. SKU numbers, brands, how much they cost to make, how much they sell for, profit margins... You know, stuff I probably should have known BEFORE I launched my shoppe.

But it's rad because this is obviously INCREDIBLE information to have and I love doing shit like this: like analytical business-oriented structure. When I was in 10th grade, there was a project board in one of my classes, something that another group of kids from a different class or different period or different year had made... And it said like "Build your Future Entrepreneurship" and I would just stare at that poster thinking "Man, they're really onto something there!!"

Okay see? This is what happens: I just got up and started making a necklace. Okay, I'm going to end this entry here then. XD And I'll be back later!!

Lots of fun stuff going down at Planet Jenna HQ right now, I've got a HUGE new merch drop happening HOPEFULLY this week, a Jennafied version of Black Friday, and lots of new videos I wanna make with this amazing new phone!!

I love you guys so much and hope you're having a totally rad week!!


12:36pm - Just got the Rockville lineup for this year. I saw Motley Crue and Insane Clown Posse and instantly said "I'm out..." XD But then I saw Mr. Bungle and oh shit Bitch... I'm thinking this may be ON. MR. FUCKING BUNGLE. One of my FAV bands EVERRRRRR... Actually anything Mike Patton does is like my favorite thing ever. And MC and ICP are playing on Thursday and Mr. Bungle is Friday so I may just go for Friday's show!! It's going down in May so I've got some time (illusory?) to decide!

So tomorrow afternoon is my first ever Amazon Influencer web meeting and I am SO EXCITED. I can't wait to see what it's like and learn a bunch of rad new stuff to implement on my page!! Speaking of, I realized the other night that I need to up my photography game if I'm gonna be repping AMAZON. MR. FUCKING AMAZON. Come on now... I'm sure if you look deeply enough into the corporate structure, Mike Patton is involved somehow...

So I watched a video on Youtube about using a negative fill with your lighting setup and BITCH WTF. I've never even heard of this, but it's like putting two black structures on either side of the shot, just off-camera. Like black reflectors, black backdrop paper, or they actually make negative fill boards, which are like big black cardboard walls that you can set up. And HOLY SHITBALLS. I used them with an overhead strobe and I can't believe the difference this makes in the depth and dimension of the photos!!


Life is the weirdest game EVER
  MOOD:   Productive in a non-linear kinda way
  MUSIC:   The Vortex
1:31pm - HAPPY MONDAAYYYY!!! I love you guys so much!! I know a lot of people don't like Mondays - I'm looking at you, Garfield - but I've always been super into them because it feels like a blank canvas! A fresh new week to write any stories and paint any adventures that you choose!!

I'm STILL cleaning up in the shoppe... *I would put melty face but it actually feels incredible because it's all organized and CLEAN!!* I haven't been cleaning non-stop since Friday, I'm just doing little sections at a time and it's looking so amazing in here! It's crazy, one photoshoot and the whole place is thrust into chaos again. So I'm trying to get better about cleaning up immediately after...

Let's see, what's going on this week? I keep getting jammed up between the concepts of the future versus the present moment, as in: it is ALWAYS the present moment so saying things like "later this week" are counterproductive because later this week never comes. Okay, I can get on board with that BUT... It's there to throw a paradoxical monkey wrench in my to-do list because I have no idea how to express the things that I'm NOT planning to do RIGHT NOW.

How do I write Friday's to-do list knowing time is an illusion??!

Maybe I should just write all of the tasks I wanna accomplish but don't actually put days next to them.

GOD. Life is the weirdest fucking game EVER. Isn't it rad??!

Okay, I'm gonna go construct a non-linear to-do list and clean another quadrant of the shoppe!! Then finish editing my Amazon video, post my new piccies, and OMG I am SO excited to post new merch to Cult Star!! I've been eyeing this stuff for like a week!!

I love you guys!!


  MOOD:   COLD!!!
  MUSIC:   Editing my new video!!
7:32pm - OMG Bitch it is so cold tonight. OMG Bitch WHY. Keeping in mind this is FLORIDA cold, so it's like 66 degrees but I'm FREEZING. So I spent my extra hour of today transferring all of the videos off my phone. There were over 400!! FOUR HUNDRED!! So - good news - LOTS of new content coming your way!!

Speaking of videos, now I'm editing the one I just shot earlier today, it's like a preview/intro to my Amazon Influencer page! It's like a companion to the photos I shot yesterday!


Amazon Influencer!!
  MOOD:   Amazon Influencer!!
  MUSIC:   Songs about Amazon and Influencing People
1:41pm - Doing my first Amazon Influencer shoot today and I am SO EXCITED!! Holy cow, this has been one of my dream goals and it's so amazing that I got accepted. I feel so honored and blessed!! It's AMAZON!! INFLUENCER!! I shall take my job of influencing you to buy on Amazon seriously!!

So my shoot I'm doing is Holidays 2023 Preview, sultry glamour, this is gonna be super fun!

Also cleaning up the shoppe because JFC the crawling chaos is snneeaakkkyyy... I'll be sitting here like "The shoppe is TOTALLY organized, what are you talking about??" But I literally spent all night cleaning and putting stuff away last night and I'm only halfway finished!! So I'm gonna do some more organizing and I got my table all cleared off for where I do my jewelry, which is totally rad because I have so many cool designs to photo and post on Cult Star!!

Thinking I may do a quick bike ride before I get into any of that though because the weather and the vibe and the energy today is OMMMMGGGGGGG!!


Journey to the Center of the Earth
  MOOD:   Grandfather Clock
  MUSIC:   Totally not Elon's interview if that's what you're thinking...
6:18pm - So apparently the people in my neighborhood feel that 11am is an acceptable time to start their journey to the center of the Earth. I was awoken by a pneumatic ratcheting sound that I can only assume was the final layer of solid rock being ripped from its primordial slumber to expose the bubbling magma below... Who the hell starts major construction at ELEVEN AM? I mean, there's still an A after the number!! We're not ALL on military time over here...

Welcome to November, Bitch. You've got too much going on to be sleeping late anyway. November 1st always has a weird vibe to me. Even if I haven't really done much to celebrate Halloween, like going out partying or handing out candy, even if it's just kind of a chill night, the next day always has this "All that remained was a broken jack-o-lantern and Ichabod was never seen again..." kinda vibe.

Next up: Thanksgiving. Or, more specifically for me this year: Black Friday. This will be my first Black Friday with Cult Star up and running and, Bitch, I gotta bring that shit. I gotta come correct to this party, and there is A LOT to coordinate over the next 23 days. I sketched out a little to-do list last night and I've decided I just can't focus too intensely on the fact that there are more than 23 things on this list, and some of them will take MULTIPLE days to pull off.

I mean, how CAN I think about that when Joe Rogan Experience just posted a two hour and 41 minutes long interview with Elon Musk?

Priorities, Jenns.


I was on my bike ride earlier and I do this thing... It's so weird, it's like... I always want to kinda reflect while I'm out there, on every amazing thing that's gone down since the LAST time I was out there... I know that sounds bizarre, but like - for example - I didn't have Cult Star launched the last time I went biking. I wasn't an Amazon Influencer. I hadn't been approved for a shoppe on Instagram...

So I like to sort of... bask in all of that while I'm out there riding, free and alive, feeling the energy of the sun, the gratitude for everything that I have, and the potential of everything on the horizon...

But, today, I spent the whole ride trying to figure out how to build a Grandfather Clock that will break apart like real wood when I get hurled into it.

* My next video may or may not involve a fight scene. *

Speaking of, my What's My Age Again Halloween video was a HUGE success!! I'm so excited that everyone loves it as much as I do!! I'm super stoked by how it turned out and it was so fun to film... I can't wait to shoot my next video, actually I have like five of them that I wanna do!! The one that I'm doing first is gonna have the choreography and fighting so I'm SUPER pumped to do this one!! I have six pages of moves, angles, and cuts all blocked out and we're gonna start practicing the choreography this weekend!!

Sooooooo... Tonight, I'm going to maybe MAYBE listen to part of Elon's interview * I won't listen to the whole thing at once!! * And then I'm gonna start making a plan for this Black Friday noise, and did I mention there are 2024 Jenna Calendars involved?

Okay, I've given enough spoilers in this entry!! I love you guys so much and I'll be back soooooon!!


Brownies For Dinner
  MOOD:   Creative
  MUSIC:   What's My Age Again - Blink 182
1:01pm - Filmed my Halloween video yesterday!! Someone walked by in the middle and said "This is everything that's wrong with America..." So that tells me it must be f'n AWESOME!!! XD I don't know if he was joking or not, we were filming outside of a pub so he may have been drunk/joking. The cameras were rolling, so I didn't say anything back.

Then I came back home and just wanted to chill so I made a plate of brownies and had brownies and tortilla chips for dinner instead of doing a meal. HAHA!! That was my Full Moon Saturday night Halloween party...

So today, I'm editing the video and MAY need to film a couple of pickup shots. I'm not sure yet, I wanna put the whole thing together and see how it flows!!

XXX I love you guys!!

  MOOD:   Nonstop
  MUSIC:   Trap Queen - Fetty Wap
1:13pm - Ahhhhhhh life, huh? What a blur of incredible insane absurdity...

*Studies my little blue verification badge from Facebook*

I feel on the precipice of something. I feel poised for ...SOMETHING.

What, I have no idea.

Cult Star is LIVE - up and running and, Bitch, I had no IDEA how many moving parts would be inside... Hurts so good!! I live for this shit, though, seriously. I love it, you know ya girl is handling her business!! Right now, I'm adding the product bundles which is a bit more complex than the individual products, like coding bikini top for $21.95, but then when you add it to your cart with the bottoms included, the whole set is only $37.50. It's little things like that, I think most people don't notice unless they're not there.

So it's a lot of detail work!! I'm super excited because this is the Kiss X Kill drop that I'm working on right now, and then moving into getting all of the jewelry posted which I'm SUPER stoked about!! Etsy shoppe is getting dialed in, and then I figured out why my catalog is showing "Sold Out" in my Insta shoppe, because the Facebook inventory catalog is different from the catalog on my website, even though it imported the products directly. FB has its own inventory management system, so I got into the database last night and found out where to change the stock numbers!

Filming a new epi of Jenna Loves Cars this afternoon and then I still need to get a couple of things for my Halloween shoots!!

Content, I'm realizing, is def NOT the problem!! I've got MONTHS worth of content already filmed, it's just finding the TIME to go through, organize, and post it all!

"You know, Jenns... Time Management is very important..."

*Thinks on this*

Time is an illusion. Maybe that's why I'm so bad at managing it.

XXX I love you guys!!

  MUSIC:   Anywhere You Go - DJ Mayson
1:30pm - My first inclination was to start this entry off with "Dude OMFG..." But that's exactly how I started the last entry. Look, I'm just excited, okay? There's a lot of rad shit going on. There's a lot of 1990s surfer in me. Oh MAN. Set myself up GOOD for THAT one...

So. Dude OMFG... I've been hard at work in the Cult Shoppe these past few days, designing soooooo much rad merch for Cult Star!! Including... RUGS!! YAS. The more videos I watch on this subject, the more I just KNOW that I simply NEED to create sexy and fun and perhaps slightly inappropriate rugs for you guys to enjoy with your friends and then hide when your family comes over.

Today, I'm pouring resin for the coasters that I've made (these, you're going to lose your minds over!!) I know you wanna set your frosty cold beverages down on my boobies. Come on. Don't lie. Ya girl J got you...

And I printed out pix last night for a bunch of rad jewelry, so I'm gonna be pouring those, also!!

Then I'm finalizing the initial catalog for Cult Star's launch, the Cult Star IPO Catalog!! So I can start taking photos of everything tomorrow after I get back from the gym! I'm gonna stop into the thrift store on my way home also, because there's something I wanna get for the promo commercial but it's kinda bizarre... (You're safer not knowing.) And I'm thinking the thrift store is a good place to look because maybe somebody has donated one, like "Please GOD take this, I need it out of my life!! The havoc!! The HAVOOOOCCCCCC..."

So that's today into tomorrow and then, right now, I'm uploading all of the files for the mailing list softwares!! So I can get that all up and running!! I had this set up like last year when I had my initial Coming Soon splash on the home page, but then I wiped the server before uploading the actual site just to have a fresh install and make sure I had plenty of room. I still have the database in-tact, though, so if you signed up initially, you're all set and don't have to sign up again.

Dude, okay OMGGGGG I'm just SO happy!! And so excited about everything!! I feel so blessed that I get to come out here everyday and play with Planet Jenna and Cult Star and come up with crazy ideas and then create and share them with you guys and just... I feel so fulfilled and so grateful and I know this is just the beginning, which is even more badass!!

I love you guys so much and I hope you're having an incredible week!!


Frankenstein's Ghost of the Horror of the Blood of Dracula
  MUSIC:   Kermode - Tigerblood Jewel
1:50pm - Dude OMFG... Okay, so due to a MASSIVE oversight on my part, I let my Affiliates URL expire.

*melty face*

It's been in the "Pending Delete" que for like a week and wouldn't let me re-register it, so I have been watching that shit like a HAWK, waiting for it to release and become available again so no one would snatch it up before I could get my hot little paws on it again.

I've literally been refreshing the page like every hour since last Saturday... But this morning, it just FELT different. I just KNEW...

The ghost of Peter Cushing was standing in the corner and he said "It is time..."

And I said, "Doctor Frankenstein? What are YOU doing here??"

And he said, "I also left a recipe for vegetarian crepes on the kitchen counter." And then he disappeared.

Sooooooo crisis averted and JENNA.CASH is now back with its rightful owner. JFC WTF... I gotta be more careful with stuff like that!! I mean, come on, how f'n BADASS does "Jenna Cash" sound??! So excited to have it back and I am setting that shit to autorenew right now!!

So I went on my mad cleaning rampage last night and the shoppe feels sooooooo much more incredible this morning OMG... I actually have surfaces and places to spread out and work again!! Narlahotep oozes in swiftly and silently around here, I'll think I've got a pretty good handle on the mayhem and the next thing I know, I can't even walk around without crashing into things and there are NO clear tables, desks, or counters in sight.

I was watching a video last night on how to seal photos to use in resin, and they also showed these badass things you can do with alcohol inks so I bought some from Amazon to play around with and they just got here!! So I'm SUPER excited about that!! And also I was watching some videos on rug tufting, which is like the coolest fucking thing EVER. I'd never even considered how rugs are made or thought about doing it myself but I'm seeing sooooooo many possibilities for awesome, fun, sexy throw rugs!! So I'm thinking about getting all of the stuff to start making them!!

Okay, let's go see what sort of trouble I can get into today!! I love you guys!!


$40 for a fucking??! Just suck it then!!!
  MOOD:   Busy!!
  MUSIC:   Nothing right now, just vibing!!
5:45pm - Okay, so there is drama with that payment processor I mentioned in my last entry.

*Cries, Girlfriend.*
*Bitter tears, Girl...*

I removed their name from my previous post and I'm not going to mention them here now because I don't want to start a bunch of shit, but if you saw it initially, you know who I'm talking about. And, side note completely unrelated, but isn't Fruit STRIPE gum so weird? Like, loses flavor INSANTLY...

So, anyway, after they told me up-front that my content on Planet Jenna would be totally fine, I got an email from them a few days ago saying my account was in violation of their restricted businesses policy because Planet Jenna is considered "adult".

Okay fine, whatever... If they had told me this UP FRONT, when I initially asked, I wouldn't have been upset. But it's frustrating - and actually feels a bit like entrapment - that they led me into their sticky little web like "Oh SURE!! Everything's fine!! Welcome, welcome!! Come on in, no spiders down here..." And I honestly still can't even tell if I'm talking to a real person or an AI-generated messaging system because they're not fully answering my questions.

So I'm talking to a new payment processor right now, because I'm not even going to use them for Cult Star anymore. I don't respect their business practices and, come on, ya girl making waves already... You know they're gonna be looking for ANY reason to pull the plug on my shit, moving forward. So I'd rather just not even go DOWN that route, to avoid this impacting you guys in any way once I get everything up and running. I'm just stoked this happened NOW, before I actually have anything launched.

Let's see, what else? I'm getting the webcams page all set up and I built a little set last night, like TOTAL early 2000s cam girl vibes, I love it so hard!! I filmed a quick behind the scenes of me building it and setting it all up, which I'll be posting soon, too!!

Texting with Kevin from the new CC processors, which is SUPER rad because I know I'm talking to an actual person and I love the individual attention they show to their clients, I think that's so badass... So we're getting everything set up PROPER for the PJ Members section!!

I went mountain biking earlier and also went to pick up some scrap metal from one of my guys, he runs a little complex in Northdale and always calls me when he has appliances or other metal for meeeeee!! And I had a bunch of awesome stuff from Amazon waiting when I got home; I bought these huge jugs of epoxy resin and a ton of fun and sexy molds, I have so many killer ideas for Cult Star!!

So I'm gonna be playing around with those tonight but first OMG I've gotta clean up a bit in the shoppe, the chaos comes and it comes HARD around here!! The place is destroyed from all the mischief that's been going down lately...

So much exciting stuff going on and also I ran around and caused trouble at Spirit Halloween yesterday!! I hope you guys are having a fun weekend, too!!


  MUSIC:   Used To - Nbhd Nick
12:42am - I just got an email back from the payment processor I chose for Cult Star, and they said it's totally rad to offer Memberships to Planet Jenna with my account, too!! I had messaged them to find out if it's okay to use them for this part, too, because I told them how I want to have artistic & tasteful nude piccies in my Members section and I wanted to check with them first because I didn't want to get into trouble. I know nudity and "adult" stuff is kinda taboo sometimes, but I told them there is nothing explicit and no porn, and they were totally cool with it!!

So I'm SUPER stoked and Baby, IT IS ON!!! I started getting everything all set up tonight, so Planet Jenna Memberships will be hitting the streets SOOOOON!!!

I signed up for a new gym on Monday afternoon: Powerhouse Gym and I am soooooooo excited!! It's got that old-school Muscle Beach gym vibe, like you chug a quart of motor oil and then throw a monster truck tire over your shoulder. I f'n LOVE it!!! I worked out there for the first time on Tuesday and I am SORE AF!!! Hurts so good!! I'm gonna go back tomorrow and train with the heavybag they have, and they also have a tanning salon next door that's free to use with my membership.

So much exciting stuff going on, I literally have a hard time sleeping now, I just wanna pop back up and keep going!!

Tomorrow, after the gym, I'm gonna spend the rest of the day getting a bunch of content uploaded to the site, and also getting Cult Star all set up, PJ Memberships Section!!! And then the promo commercial!!

I hope you guys are having an amazing week, it's almost the WEEKEND!!!


  MOOD:   Bouncy!!
  MUSIC:   Listening to a storm rolling in!!
11:33am - Getting ready to do a shoot for Playboy and then I've got two other shoots I wanna do later, after it gets dark!! Going for like a stakeout vibe with the Jeep for one of them and then a tropical nights style for the other!

Yesterday, I ran some errands and got to see my friend, Brodie and also met the Man, the Myth, the Legend: Joseph Nolin, the Rainbow King for the first time. They're both so awesome!! Then I came home and splurged on a bunch of new makeup online and signed up for this badass new workout program, Naughty Girl Fitness, which I can't wait to do my first workout later!! It's like, workout moves combined with sexy dance, which I LOVE!!

Okay, short update today but I wanted to say HI!! And also I'm thinking I'll take some behind the scenes shots today to start my Scrapbook for you guys!!

I LOOOOOOVE YOUUUU!! I hope everyone has an incredible Sunday!! Do something fun for yourself today!! Treat yourself to a coffee, go to the park, pop that ass to Naughty Girl!! I know those workouts aren't just for girls, they've got guys in the videos, too!!

Talk to ya later!!


  MUSIC:   Meet the Creeper - Rob Zombie
2:07pm - Holy cow!! This week has been a whirlwind since I launched my site and I don't think anyone even knows about it yet!! I haven't announced it publicly because there are still a few sections to build out and I want to have a little more content in place before I drop the news.

Right now, I'm working on... I try not to use that term "working" because I feel like it has a bit of a negative connotation, like "Uggghhh I have to go to WORK..." But then, so does "Bitch" and ya girl sprinkle THAT one all over the place, amongst the likes of her sisters "Sweetie" and "Honey Baby". And, come on, RuPaul knows what's up: You betta WUUHHHRRKKK!!! Besides, work and play are synonymous on Planet Jenna!!

So, right now, I'm WORKING on a promo commercial to officially announce the launch. I don't wanna give away TOO much about it because I want it to be a surprise but hmmmmm... What sort of hint can I give? Lemme think on that one!! In the meantime, I can say that it's gonna be bad-fucking-ASS and I hope you like what you see!!

What else? Shooting tons of content for Playboy, editing the newest Chapters of my Neighborhood Library Build, and getting everything ready to launch Cult Star.

And Michaels has all of their Halloween stuff out, so you KNOW Little Miss gonna be hitting that HARD tomorrow!!

Work and play, work and play, does my life ever change? I fucking LOOOOOVVVEEE it!!!